Christmas used to be the best day of the year when I was younger. I looked forward to playing with all of my toys or my new game systems. I would stay up playing with the gifts that I got for Christmas. I would ask for absolutely anything and I would get it. My family used to put up a Christmas tree and place wrapped presents underneath the tree. There was a movie that I watched on TBS called A Christmas Story. It came on every Christmas for 24 hours straight. I was able to watch this because I had cable. I also was not obligated to give anyone any presents because I was so young. But now, everything is different. I no longer have cable so I can no longer continue the tradition of watching A Christmas Story. This year for Christmas, I'm getting 300 dollars. With this money, I have to buy my mom a gift, my two sisters a gift and myself a gift. There is not going to be any joy on Christmas day. I won't be opening any wrapped gifts. There is no Christmas tree to light up. My mom also used to cook on Christmas. But, that's over too. So, this year Christmas is just going to be a ordinary day. I think it's because I'm getting older. Getting older sucks.